
放射性同位素 粒子加速器 辐照杀菌 无损检测 高新核材 辐射成像 放射诊疗 辐射育种 食品辐照保鲜 废水辐照 X射线 中广核技 中国同辐


2018-05-28 17:29          核医学






On May 18th-19th, 2018, hosted by Chinese Society of Nuclear Medicine (CSNM),  the 7th National Youth Nuclear Medical- Academic Exchange Meeting was held at the Maritim Hotel in Shenyang, organized by the First Hospital of China Medical University (FHCMU). More than 500 representatives from all over the country gathered in Shenyang to plan the glorious future of nuclear medicine field.

At the opening ceremony, Prof. Li Sijin, Chairman of the Chinese Society of Nuclear Medicine, spoke of the good prospects of China's nuclear medicine. He pointed out that nuclear medicine has a long way to go, especially for young workers who need to move forward for the better future in nuclear medicine field in China, and the young nuclear medicine workers attended are greatly encouraged. Prof. Wang Jing, Chairman designate of the CSNM, read out the document for setting up the Communist Party of China (CPC) working team in CSNM. The document which has been approved by the upper leaders announced Wang Hui as the team leader, He Zuoxiang as the Disciplinary Inspection Commissioner, Han Xingmin as the Propaganda Committee Member and Wang Xuemei as the Organizer, Zhao Changjiu as the Group Committee Member. At the meeting, Professor Song Shaoli, deputy vice chairman of the Tenth Youth Committee, summed up the work on behalf of all the members and encouraged all to go forward. After the opening ceremony, all the representatives took a group photo.

The report of the conference focused on the theme —“people oriented, inheritance relay” and invited everyone and celebrities to give speeches from different perspectives. First, Professor Li Yaming, the former chairman, perceives the development of nuclear medicine in the face of problems and ways for solutions. He firmly believes that if you are right, you should not fear the hardships and distances of the road. Professor Huang Gang, the 9th Chairman of the Shanghai Medical College and Dean of the Shanghai Institute of Health Sciences, emphasized the humanistic nature of intelligent medicine, pointing out that medicine and culture are no longer mechanical combinations, but a junction for wisdom which can generate health. Professor Shi Jingpu, from the FHCMU, gave a brief explanation of the scientific research methods that assist young talents' promotion. Professor Wu Anhua, also the Professor of Cheung Kong Scholars, from the FHCMU Neurosurgery Department, focused the speech on his own research route and described his growth path of being a Cheung Kong Scholar. Professor. Zhang Hong from Zhejiang University, who has become a famous molecular imaging expert from a youth commissioner, mainly aimed at his hardships and encouraged young people to have a firm goal and stick it out.

In the afternoon, the two conferences focused on precision imaging, precise treatment, SCI paper publication and scientific research application. The representatives carried out academic exchanges in different forms and topics. The atmosphere of the meeting was lively and the discussion was warm and impassioned.



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