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Rosatom 核燃料组件
发布:2020-04-08 11:25:51     来源:Rosatom


Rosatom TVEL燃料公司的企业新西伯利亚化学精矿厂(NCCP)与埃及原子能管理局签署了为期十年的长期合同,为ETRR-2提供低浓铀燃料成分,如铀和铝项目研究堆。


“长期合同是对在过去三年中NCCP成功履行的向埃及运输燃料成分的若干合同文件的合理后续行动。这表明TVEL Fuel Company与我们的埃及合作伙伴之间的关系得到高度信任。 TVEL商业和国际业务高级副总裁Oleg Grigoriyev说道:“我们的设施在研究型反应堆的核燃料批量生产方面拥有40多年的专业知识,我们能够为所有主要类型的现有核反应堆制造燃料组件。”评论。

TVEL在埃及的业务发展前景还包括在整个运营期间向4800 MWe El Dabaa核电厂的所有四个动力装置供应核燃料,该燃料合同于2017年生效。此外,中央设计与技术研究院, TVEL的另一子公司参与了El Dabaa NPP作为设计分包商的乏核燃料存储设施建设项目。

新西伯利亚化学浓缩工厂(NCCP)是世界领先的NPP和研究反应堆核燃料制造商之一。该企业还生产金属锂和锂盐。 NCCP是Rosatom TVEL燃料公司的子公司。

TVEL燃料公司的企业包括制造核燃料,铀转化和浓缩,气体离心机生产的企业,以及研究和设计机构。它是俄罗斯核电厂的唯一核燃料供应商。 Rosatom的TVEL燃料公司为全球13个国家的73个动力堆,八个国家的研究堆以及俄罗斯核舰队的运输反应堆提供核燃料。世界上每六分之一的动力堆都使用TVEL生产的燃料运行。 https://www.tvel.ru/


Moscow April 6, 2020. Rosatom facility inks long-term contract for supply of nuclear fuel components to ETRR-2 reactor in Egypt

Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant (NCCP), an enterprise of Rosatom’s TVEL Fuel Company, and the Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority have signed 10-years term contract for supply of low-enriched nuclear fuel components, such as uranium and aluminum items, for ETRR-2 research reactor.

ETRR-2, a research reactor of Argentinian design, is based at the Nuclear Research Center in Inshas, Egypt. It is used for research in particle physics and material studies, as well as for production of radioisotopes.

“The long-term contract is a logical follow-up to a number of several contractual documents for shipments of fuel components to Egypt, successfully fulfilled by NCCP in the past three years. This is an evidence of high level of trust in relations between TVEL Fuel Company and our Egyptian partners. Our facilities have more than 40 years of expertise in batch production of nuclear fuel for research reactors, we are capable of fuel components fabrication for all major types of existing nuclear reactors”, Oleg Grigoriyev, Senior Vice President for Commerce and International Business at TVEL, commented.

The prospects of TVEL’s business development in Egypt also embrace supply of nuclear fuel to all four power units of the 4800 MWe El Dabaa NPP for the entire operation period, the fuel contract came into force in 2017. Furthermore, the Central Design and Technological Institute, another TVEL’s subsidiary, is involved in the project of construction of the storage facility for spent nuclear fuel from El Dabaa NPP as a design subcontractor.

Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant (NCCP) is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of the nuclear fuel for NPPs and research reactors. The enterprise also produces metal lithium and lithium salts. NCCP is subsidiary of Rosatom’s TVEL Fuel Company.

TVEL Fuel Company incorporates enterprises for the fabrication of nuclear fuel, conversion and enrichment of uranium, production of gas centrifuges, as well as research and design organizations. It is the only supplier of nuclear fuel for Russian nuclear power plants. TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom provides nuclear fuel for 73 power reactors in 13 countries worldwide, research reactors in eight countries, as well as transport reactors of the Russian nuclear fleet. Every sixth power reactor in the world operates on fuel manufactured by TVEL. https://www.tvel.ru/



Rosatom的子公司SSC RF TRINITI JSC本周宣布,他们已经开发出一种使用移动设备对医疗仪器,衣物,设备和设施进行消毒和灭菌的方法。 2020-04-10
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